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Please join us and 15 other Christian based non-profits for The Amazing Praise 2024. A 48 hour online giving celebration of God and the transforming work being done in Jesus’ name across Richmond. The event will run from 12:00 PM EST on Tuesday,September 17th through 12:00 PM EST on Thursday,September 19th. Visit theamazingpraise.org for more information.

The Purpose of WOVEN Circle Inc. is to provide pastoral care, education and assistance to survivors of gender based violence. WOVEN Circle Inc. seeks to be a bridge builder between local resources and churches.

How your donations will help us continue to serve survivors.


Freedom Packs

A donation of $40 will provide a “Freedom Kit”, providing emergency funds for transportation and supplies for a woman taking their first steps towards freedom.



A donation of $100 will sponsor someone hoping to attend a retreat focused on healing and reconnecting with her faith.

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Safe Space to Dialogue About Faith and Healing From Domestic Violence

A donation of any amount will be greatly appreciated so that we can continue to create safe spaces for survivors to find comfort and healing as part of a Christian community.

Contact us.


P.O. Box 28641

Henrico, VA 23228-8777